Our Work
Business Sustainability.
What if each and every ECE provider didn’t have to do it all? All on her own? Shared Services is an approach to program management that helps ECE businesses achieve financial sustainability and drive strong childhood outcomes by sharing administrative tasks and pooling resources—freeing program leaders to focus on the work supporting teachers, children, and families.
Data + Automation.
Alliances use automation to drive efficient, effective practices and generate data to guide thoughtful decision making. To fully scale automation and ensure maximum benefit for the ECE eco-system, OppEx is working to build bridges between provider level data and public data systems. Sharing data across systems offers a “real-time” understanding of the state of ECE and can support decision making about public resources.
System Building.
The development of best-practice policy, at state and federal levels, to support new business models and address the stories revealed by the data, are an essential element of what we do. Through data analysis, case studies, private consultation, issue briefs and other means, we propose policy solutions around key issues such as public subsidy rates and regulation, licensing regulation, quality rating and improvement standards, and workforce supports.