Wednesday-Friday | October 16-18, 2024

Renaissance Orlando at Sea World | Orlando | Florida

Registration Information

June 22 - October 1 | Regular Rate

$750 OppEx Clients/Government/Sponsors
$875 Standard Regular Rate

After October 2

$1075 (if space is available)

Why Connect the Dots?

The early care and education system in the U.S. is in a pivotal moment. New resources are urgently needed, but far too many opportunities are missed when we fail to harness the power of modern technology, re-think the traditional business model and leverage existing resources in powerful and innovative ways. This conference will highlight what’s possible when we make critical connections to create a “greater whole”

The Workshop Sessions

Subject to change

Track 1:
Solving the ECE Workforce Crisis

Substitute Pools: A Critical Workforce Support
Substitute pools can be a critical resource for programs looking to support current staff and build a pipeline for future educators. In states where pilot programs are being built and tested, what were the decisions made to get to this step? What type of policy or regulatory updates needed to happen, and how were those updates made? Learn from key stakeholders in several states as they describe what’s working, and what they are learning. 

The Benefits of Using a Benefits Broker
Employee benefits, especially Health Insurance and Retirement Savings, are fundamental for recruitment and retention, but navigating the maze of insurance rules, tax law, and HR policies calls for expert help. Learn about ways that the ECE community is tapping the expertise of “mission minded” benefits brokers to create a comprehensive and sustainable approach to staff benefits.

Raising Wages for ECE Educators: Beyond Bonuses
There is wide consensus that ECE Educator wages need to improve. There is little agreement about the best way to raise wages. Take a look at what has been tried, what results have been achieved, and where we might go moving forward.

Opening the Staffing Pipeline through Alternative Prep Programs
Recruiting and onboarding staff is a persistent challenge for ECE program operators. This workshop will feature Alliances and Networks that are engaged in a range of strategies to keep the staff pipeline open.

Track 2:
Promoting Positive Change

Coaching for Transformation & Results
What is the role of the coach in a Shared Services Alliance? This session explores: coaching for change in a trauma informed way; data informed coaching practices; avoiding business coaching sand traps, and: focusing on effective learning practices.

Engaging providers with CCMS—What Works?
Discover innovative strategies to engage child care providers in embracing technology for enhanced efficiency and quality care, including: articulating compelling value propositions tailored to providers' needs; bridging the digital divide with inclusive, trauma informed approaches; navigating cultural nuances and advocating effectively for essential features from technology vendors, offering tailored coaching to boost tech confidence among providers.

Shared Services Start-Up: Navigating the Path to Success
A guide to Opportunities Exchange’s comprehensive Shared Services Start-up Guide. Gain clarity on the pivotal role Shared Services play in addressing critical industry challenges and why it's essential for sustainable growth. Learn practical how-tos and glean valuable insights from Alliances that have successfully launched within the past 1-2 years. Explore strategies for achieving financial sustainability, offering meaningful services, supporting providers to manage the Iron Triangle while crafting feasible implementation plans that drive tangible results. 

Building and Sustaining Strong Family Child Care Businesses: Innovation Beyond Family Child Care Networks
Explore emerging strategies to support family child care providers in adopting an entrepreneurial mindset and equipping them with the tools and resources to thrive as small business owners. Learn from the successes of family child care business supports and incubators, delving into practical application of various strategies , from navigating challenging regulatory environments, to finding FCC partners, and tailored, effective, coaching methodologies.

Track 3:
Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Reaching New Communities with Shared Services: The San Diego Story
San Diego County is funding a new Shared Service initiative with a focus on serving refugee and underserved communities. This project is notable for the evaluation metrics created and tracked throughout, and this session will explore the design, implementation, and results (to date) of this important work.

Innovative Real Estate Solutions for Home-Based Child Care
Discover strategies to tackle the real estate challenges faced by home-based child care providers. This workshop will introduce participants to the creative approaches and practical solutions for securing affordable, suitable spaces utilized by Mission Driven Finance’s CARE project. Learn from industry leaders about their real estate financing model, community partnerships, and work to get new providers into residential settings that are affordable and designed with child care in mind.

Elevating Provider Voice in Home Based Networks
In summer of 2021 Home Grown launched the Building Comprehensive Networks initiative, partnering with state and local governments that are committed to building comprehensive networks as infrastructure. To realize this vision, Home Grown helped build the capacity of local organizations, shift policy, and engage providers in co-creation and design of networks.

Building a Culturally and Linguistically Affirming Mental Health & Wellness Program for ECE Professionals
Burnout is at an all-time high in early childhood settings. Robust employee benefits support both staff well-being and staff retention. In 2023, Wisconsin Early Education Shared Services Network (WEESSN) launched an innovative, statewide Educator Assistance Program (EAP) to offer 24/7, 365 access to mental health and wellness services to the ECE workforce. In order to ensure that the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse educators are met, WEESSN partners with trusted organizations embedded in those communities.

Track 4:
Reforming Policy & Finance

Coordinated Eligibility and Enrollment
This workshop will feature coordinated enrollment efforts in two states, South Carolina and Virginia. Presenters will discuss how the systems work, what it took to launch the approach and where to find resources to take a similar approach in your state or region.

A Look at Micro-centers through a Policy Lens
Changing policy to enable micro-centers can be a major undertaking. Hear about some innovative approaches to this work and learn about the regulatory environment that allows this to happen

New CCDF Rule: Impact on States, Intermediaries and Providers
This workshop will provide an overview of the CCDF Program and the 2024 CCDF Final Rule Fact sheet and explore the benefits of developing partnerships with CCDF Lead Agencies for families, providers, and shared services networks.

Taking CCMS to Scale Statewide
A growing number of states are investing in making Child Care Management Software (CCMS) licenses widely available to child care providers, with the goal of using CCMS to streamline provider reporting, recordkeeping, accountability, fiscal management and more. This workshop will feature two states (Indiana and Kentucky) that succeeded in rapidly growing CCMS uptake. Leaders from these states will share their vision, approach and lessons learned.

Track 5:
Optimizing Data & Evaluation

 Putting the REAL in Real Time Supply and Demand
We look forward to a future when child care search portals can be updated automatically from a provider's enrollment data, making the information about openings timely, age-specific, and accurate. We envision a day when family search data is comprehensive enough to inform demand estimates in local communities. OppEx is actively engaged in a pilot project to help make it so. Come and learn what is happening with this important work.

Using CCMS Data to Streamline Reporting and Inform Public Sector Systems
States are increasingly recognizing myriad ways that data from provider Child Care Management Software can streamline reporting. This session offers examples of CCMS reporting for licensing, quality rating, CACFP, grant fund reporting, compensation initiatives, and more.

Data-Driven Business Coaching: What is it and Why Does it Matter?
Best practice business coaching helps providers understand how their child care business is functioning and what they can do to improve their bottom line. This session explores tools and practices to support effective, impactful coaching.

Storytelling: Gathering Impactful Data from Alliance Members
This workshop will provide step-by-step guidance on how to collect input and gain insights from Shared Service Alliance members for evaluation and reporting as well as to inform change. Examples of how to use qualitative data to raise funds, promote participation, and improve program quality will be shared and discussed.

Track 6:
Leveraging Automation & Technology

 ECE Technology Ecosystems: An Overview
This workshop will give an overview of the ECE Technology Ecosystem framework, the value proposition for families, providers, and public sector stakeholders, and feature a few states that are using the framework to plan and launch work.

Tools for Business Coaching Linked to CCMS
This workshop will walk participants through the foundational elements of an effective business coaching practice tied to use of CCMS and highlight tools available from OppEx to support coaching linked to CCMS, including the new CCMS Toolkit.

Tech Tools to Help Connect the Dots: The CRM Story
This workshop will focus on how Shared Service Alliances and business coaching initiatives can document and track results using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Concrete examples from one tiered business coaching initiative that has collected, analyzed and reported data using a CRM will be shared.

Technology Powered Provider Support through ECE Shared Resources
Learn how four states leverage the ECE Shared Resources platform to embed innovative strategies that enables licensing staff and quality/TA coaches to deepen statewide outreach, enhance support for providers, strengthen licensing compliance, and bolster business operational practices.

Critical Conversations

Thursday 10/17, 3-4:30
Join a small group dialogue on relevant topics in the ECE sector

• Addressing the Availability and Affordability of LIABILITY INSURANCE for Home Based Child Care Providers

• Overcoming Barriers to EMPLOYEE BENEFITS for ECE Educators

• Leading TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMATION for the ECE Sector: Creating the Conditions for Real Change

• How do we Build Cost Models that put EDUCATOR COMPENSATION at the Center?

RE-THINKING LICENSING to Support Innovation in the ECE Sector


• Expanding Utilization of the CHILD AND ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM

SUBSTITUTE POOLS: How do we Build Sustainable Models?


Contact Meredith Flora


Contact Mia Pritts


Contact Dara Piltz


Contact Louise Stoney

For More Information

Questions Considered.

Where do I begin to build a Shared Service Alliance? How can I find the right ECE programs to participate? Who will provide funding for this work? The Shared Services journey begins with asking the right questions—the conference is a place to hear how others have found answers.

Ideas Discussed.

It all begins with an idea...maybe we could find a way to improve wages … maybe we could do a better job connecting parents with ECE programs … maybe we could spend more time on education and less time on paperwork … the conference is fertile ground to plant the seeds of your idea.

Community Nurtured.

Let’s face it, changing the ECE sector is not for the faint of heart. You need time to be with kindred spirits who see not just “what is wrong and ask why”, but see “what could be and ask why not”? Fellow world changers, there is a seat at this table for you.

With Support From