Upcoming Events
How Minding the Business of Child Care can Increase Program Quality with Amy Friedlander of Opportunities Exchange
Child care owners/directors manage both business and educational matters. Using principles such as the Iron Triangle of ECE Finance and automating invoicing and collections, human resources management, compliance and other systems can assist busy owners/directors to focus on a few key business metrics and spend more of their time coaching teachers. Many automation tools support both “sides of the house”—with functionality around family engagement and communication, lesson planning supported by state standards, and other features. Through a deeper understanding of the ways that business and pedagogy impact one another and how systems can be aligned to support both areas, owners/directors can more intentionally focus on business as a means to program quality.
Re-invent vs Re-build: Let’s Fix the Child Care System with Louise Stoney of Opportunities Exchange
COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the ECE sector. Ensuring that high-quality programs, especially those serving vulnerable children and families, not only survive, but thrive is crucial. This workshop will explore key lessons, identify action steps that could be game changers for the field, and outline how industry leaders can work with the public and private sector to champion a “Child Care Come-Back Plan”.
How Minding the Business of Child Care can Increase Program Quality with Amy Friedlander of Opportunities Exchange
Child care owners/directors manage both business and educational matters. Using principles such as the Iron Triangle of ECE Finance and automating invoicing and collections, human resources management, compliance and other systems can assist busy owners/directors to focus on a few key business metrics and spend more of their time coaching teachers. Many automation tools support both “sides of the house”—with functionality around family engagement and communication, lesson planning supported by state standards, and other features. Through a deeper understanding of the ways that business and pedagogy impact one another and how systems can be aligned to support both areas, owners/directors can more intentionally focus on business as a means to program quality.
Re-invent vs Re-build: Let’s Fix the Child Care System with Louise Stoney of Opportunities Exchange
COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the ECE sector. Ensuring that high-quality programs, especially those serving vulnerable children and families, not only survive, but thrive is crucial. This workshop will explore key lessons, identify action steps that could be game changers for the field, and outline how industry leaders can work with the public and private sector to champion a “Child Care Come-Back Plan”.